
“People DON’T KNOW What’s Coming!” Prepare For The CHANGING WORLD ORDER | Ray Dalio

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On Today's Episode:

If you haven’t tuned into the news lately, you may be living in a peaceful and unique environment. Turning on the news these days can literally induce stress and anxiety as you try to digest the total sum of horrifying events that are changing the world you live in Burying your head in the sand and being oblivious is always an option you can choose to do, but that will likely leave you unprepared for what’s coming.

Ray Dalio is the founder and co-Chairman of Bridgewater Associates, as well as a #1 NY Times bestseller for his life-changing book, Principles. He is incredibly grounded and knowledgeable about the changing world order taking place as you read this. His latest book, The Changing World Order, is about having the data you need to recognize the times we are living through are part of a larger cycle that has taken place before.

Grab a pen and paper or open up your note app and save the strategies and tactics Ray shares on what we can do on a government level and on a personal level with our investments, assets and liabilities to position ourselves for survival regardless of the stage we’re in.

Ray Dalio’s Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xguam0TKMw8
Ray Dalio’s newest book, The Changing World Order: https://amzn.to/3rRrI5H


0:00 | Introduction of Ray Dalio
3:11 | Start of The New Order
8:38 | Predictable Cycles & Failing Systems
20:04 | Global Conflict & Types of War
32:09 | Inflation Strategies To Get Ahead
39:31 | Economic Stability & Structure
45:54 | Strategic Portfolios Over Day Trading
49:29 | Improving A Failing Infrastructure
1:01:13 | Death of Patriotism
1:07:56 | Innovation, Opinions, and Perspective
1:17:44 | Responsibility and Practical Solutions
1:29:18 | End of the World Portfolio


“The country is nothing more than the aggregate of the people.” [13:13]

“History has shown when the causes that people are behind are more important to them than the system, the system is in jeopardy. And that is a risky situation. [15:27]

“Realize that you have to think in terms of buying power, not the number of dollars you have.” [33:35]

“There's those who control the system and what should be done, and then there's what the individual should do…” [50:01]

“You need to create a system that both increases the size of the pie, and divides it well, and most importantly, divides opportunity, well…” [52:29]

“It's going to be the extremists who are going to destroy the system, threaten the system, because they won't be able to compromise, [...] the answers do not lie in the extremism.” [54:25]

“To not have laptops and connectivity is today, the equivalent of not having running water and electricity, or the telephone…” [58:41]

“If you worry, you don't have to worry, and if you don't worry, you need to worry.” [1:23:27]

Follow Ray Dalio:
Website: https://www.principles.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RayDalio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raydalio/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqvaXJ1K3HheTPNjH-KpwXQ
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