
The Number Zero and Bitcoin | Episode 4 | (WiM306)


Many believe that Bitcoin is “just one of thousands of cryptoassets”—this is true in the same way that the number zero is just one of an infinite series of numbers. In reality, Bitcoin is special, and so is zero: each is an invention which led to a discovery that fundamentally reshaped its overarching system—for Bitcoin, that system is money, and for zero, it is mathematics. Since money and math are mankind’s two universal languages, both Bitcoin and zero are critical constructs for civilization. In this series, we explore Breedlove’s written work: “The Number Zero and Bitcoin.” 


In Wolf's Clothing: https://wolfnyc.com/
iCoin Hardware Wallet (use discount code BITCOIN23): https://www.icointechnology.com/
CrowdHealth: https://www.joincrowdhealth.com/breedlove
Wasabi Wallet: https://wasabiwallet.io/
Join Me At Bitcoin 2023 in Miami (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://b.tc/conference/
Casa (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://keys.casa/
Bitcoin Apparel (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://thebitcoinclothingcompany.com/ 
Feel Free Tonics (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://botanictonics.com
Carnivore Bar (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://carnivorebar.com/

// OUTLINE // 
00:00:00 - Coming up 
00:01:04 - Intro 
00:02:37 - Helping Lightning Startups With In Wolf's Clothing 
00:03:23 - Practical Utility Outweighed Ideological Resistance 
00:04:41 - The Number Zero was Influential in Wealth Creation and Math Development 
00:08:33 - The Hindu-Arabic Numeral System vs. the Abacus 
00:12:11 - The Emergence of the Number Zero Initiated a Technological Revolution 
00:13:50 - The History of Resistance against the Number Zero 
00:15:04 - How Zero was Incorporated into Encryption Systems 
00:17:20 - The Artistic Influence of the Number Zero 
00:20:11 - The Singularity of the Number Zero 
00:22:57 - Secure Your Bitcoin Stash with the iCoin Hardware Wallet 
00:23:54 - Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth 
00:24:56 - A Bitcoin Wallet with Privacy Built-In: Wasabi Wallet 
00:25:47 - A Creation that Persists with Time 
00:27:22 - Why the Number Zero and Bitcoin are the Cornerstones of the Digital Age 
00:31:31 - Digital Tools that are Dependent on the Existence of Zero 
00:34:46 - Limitations of the Physical Gold-Based Currency 
00:38:17 - The Pyramid Scheme of the Fiat Currency Paradigm 
00:42:31 - Bitcoin is a Solution with Absolute Scarcity 
00:46:34 - The Absolute Similarities of the Number Zero and Bitcoin 
00:47:53 - A Chance to Win Discounted Tickets to the Bitcoin 2023 Conference and 10M SATS 
00:48:48 - Hold Bitcoin in the Most Secure Custody Model with Casa 
00:49:37 - The Scarcity of Time and Bitcoin 
00:52:38 - The Path Dependence of Bitcoin 
00:54:20 - The Concept of the Push-Pull Method 
00:56:13 - Bitcoin is a ‘One in a Lifetime’ Technology 
00:59:09 - How Bitcoin Defeated Bitcoin Cash and Proved its Ability to Resist Disruption 
01:05:27 - The Mechanism of Bitcoin Forks and Their Impact on Market Stability 
01:08:14 - The Network Effects and Stability of Bitcoin 
01:11:02 - Bitcoin is an Independent Life Form

Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8...
RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI

Bitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7 
Sats via Strike: https://strike.me/breedlove22
Sats via Tippin.me: https://tippin.me/@Breedlove22
Dollars via Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/RBreedlove
Dollars via Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/Robert-Breedlove-2
The "What is Money?" Show Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=32843101

Medium: https://breedlove22.medium.com/ 
Substack: https://breedlove22.substack.com/ 

// SOCIAL // 
Breedlove Twitter: https://twitter.com/Breedlove22
WiM? Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatisMoneyShow
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/breedlove22/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breedlove_22/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@breedlove22
All My Current Work: https://vida.page/breedlove22

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