
Why Deflation is the Key to Abundance with Jeff Booth - WBD651


Jeff Booth is the Author of The Price of Tomorrow and CEO/Chairman of Ego Death Capital. In this interview, we discuss the effects of prices falling to the marginal cost of production, Bitcoin and its role in a deflationary economy, how inflation and debt distribute wealth unfairly, and the deflationary influence of AI and its impact on the future.

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It is the natural order for prices to fall to the marginal cost of production over time, and this principle applies to all industries. The fiat system works against this by artificially creating scarcity. And it has to work against deflation to maintain its dominance, through manipulation of the monetary system: debt, inflation and an ever more narrow concentration of wealth.

As the fiat system falters, could the concept of a deflationary economy take hold? Whilst it involves a massive shift in economic value that is hard to comprehend, as innovation continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, and AI comes of age, a deflationary economy becomes very more likely. Jeff Booth argues that it makes logical sense as a system to enable society to continue to expand.

The common narrative is that we need inflation, and deflation would harm living standards. However, Jeff argues that whilst prices will fall in a deflationary economy, wages are sticky: people are not willing to accept wage decreases as fast as prices are falling. This would result in a massive transfer of wealth back to productive members of society.

Jeff also promotes Bitcoin as part of an investment strategy as we transition into a deflationary economy: its monetary policy is designed to weather the current inflationary system, it’s outside of anyone’s control and it has no counterparty risk. Further, in a new period of abundance, a reliable fixed currency will become a necessity. It will be the new measurement for productivity and progress.

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