
Neil Howe & Brandon Quittem | Bitcoin in The Fourth Turning | EP 126


On this episode of Swan Signal, Sam sat down with Authors Neil Howe and Brandon Quittem to discuss his new book "The Fourth Turning Is Here", how Bitcoin represents a new type of institution, and whether or not Bitcoin can help the world emerge successfully from this time of chaos and change.

Connect with:
Brandon Quittem: https://twitter.com/Bquittem
Neil Howe: https://twitter.com/HoweGeneration

00:00:00 “Swan Signal” Intro
00:01:10 Introducing Neil Howe and Brandon Quittem
00:02:01 What is “The Fourth Turning?”
00:06:55 What is the Catalyst for this “Fourth Turning?”
00:17:24 Bitcoin & “The Fourth Turning”
00:22:23 How Technology Shapes Generations
00:27:42 Symbiotic Relationship between Social Issues and Technology
00:33:25 “Bitcoin is an Institution”
00:42:08 How Bitcoin “Guarantees” the Protocol: “Rules without Rulers”
00:53:02 Problems with the Gold Standard
00:58:39 Sovereign Debt Crisis
01:07:50 What Happened to the Middle Class?
01:12:14 How We’re Shifting to a Multi-Polar World
01:17:11 How Does the Future Look Like To You?
01:26:57 How to Connect with Neil Howe and Brandon Quittem
01:29:27 “Swan Signal” Outro

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