
News Block: Bitcoin Price Up 7 Months Straight, High Deficits + Rate Cuts = Asset Rally? BlackRock CEO Worried About Lack of Hope, Judge Rules Against Bitcoin Bank Custodia


In this week's episode of the Coin Stories News Block powered by Bitdeer (NASDAQ: BTDR), we cover the major headlines related to Bitcoin and global finance:

  • Bitcoin Has Seventh Straight Positive Month
  • The Fed’s Inflation “Victory” Proving Elusive
  • Will Fed Cut Rates When Inflation is Elevated?
  • Bitcoin and Gold Sniffing Out Macro Troubles Ahead
  • BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Worried About Lack of Hope
  • Bitcoin Bank Custodia Denied Fed Master Account


The News Block is powered exclusively by Bitdeer Technologies Group (NASDAQ: BTDR), a publicly-traded leader in Bitcoin mining that stands alone as the only vertically-integrated, technology-focused Bitcoin mining company. Learn more at www.bitdeer.com


References mentioned in the episode: 


This podcast is for educational purposes and should not be construed as official investment advice.


#money #Bitcoin #investing

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