
News Block: Bitcoin Outperforms Other Assets, FTX's SBF Jury Questions, Binance vs SEC, Anti-CBDC Bill, Grocery Inflation


In this week's episode of the Coin Stories News Block, we cover the week's major headlines related to Bitcoin, the economy and global finance:

  • Bitcoin Outperforms Every Asset Class
  • Franklin Templeton Files for Spot Bitcoin ETF
  • Gensler Testifies on Crypto Fraud and Oversight
  • SBF Lawyers Submit Questions for Jurors Ahead of FTX Trial
  • Binance Not Cooperating with SEC Investigation  
  • Swan to Launch First Bitcoin-Only Trust 
  • Anti-CBDC Bill is Re-introduced in Congress 
  • Inflation Rises, Politicians Blame Companies not Policies
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Threatens Grocery Store Taxes
  • Chicago Proposes Government-Run Grocery Stores
  • Paxos Gets Refund for $500k Bitcoin Transaction Fee

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This podcast is for educational purposes and should not be construed as official investment advice.



#money #Bitcoin #investing

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