
Debt Cycles & the Rise of Bitcoin with Greg Foss & Dylan LeClair - WBD374


Location: Remotely Date: Thursday 15th July Company: Validus Power Corp, Bitcoin Magazine Role: Bitcoin Strategist, Director of Financial Markets & Research

In Ray Dalio’s video How the Economic Machine Works, he explains the concept of deleveraging long-term debt cycles. Currently, central bankers have pulled all the levers they can to avoid unwinding the supercycle of global debt, but eventually, something has to give.

The final tool that central bankers have to avoid creative destruction is inflation, and it is now a mathematical certainty that a devaluation of fiat currencies is coming. Is the rise of Bitcoin the only logical conclusion to the fiat money system?

In this interview, I talk to Bitcoin Strategist Greg Foss and Dylan LeClair from Bitcoin Magazine. We discuss crony capitalism and perpetual bailouts, why debt cycles spell inflation, and how the world will turn to Bitcoin. 

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