
Pension Time Bombs: Part 5 - Funding Failing Pensions

Have you wondered why your property taxes are at record highs, water and sewage charges continue to grow, and local governments never seem to run out of ways to nickel and dime their constituents with fee after fee? Yet, the quality of services we depend on continue to decline.

You might not think this pension crisis affects you, but as a taxpayer, you'll be shocked to find out exactly where your tax dollars are going.

Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio, has been the taxpayer's champion, pushing for pension reform, exposing waste and public unions finagling huge pay increases. This week he contributes to the "5 Pension Time Bombs" series with his perspective on the pension problem from within one of the largest cities in the United States.

Listen as hosts Robert and Kim welcome guests Ted Siedle and Sal DiCiccio who give warnings to those whose tax dollars are funding failing pensions.

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